03 Oct

Star Trek


We’ve just posted our 25th episode, in which we talk about Star Trek for nearly two hours. But it’s a good two hours, filled with nostalgia and mirth, and features Star Trek: Remastered producer Dave Rossi, a guest who is far more amiable than either of your hosts, so be sure and listen to the entire thing.

Unlike previous episodes, there’s no news and no box office. Star Trek is a topic that’s very dear to all three of us, partially because it’s helped to pay our bills, but mostly because it’s got a lot to do with what drove us to pursue careers in this insane industry. We probably could have talked for another two hours, but it was getting late and, really, how long can you listen to us talk?

Because I missed out on the box office report, I’d just like to take a second to point out that Beverly Hills Chihuahua made nearly 30 million dollars this weekend. This means that somewhere, right now, people are meeting to discuss Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2.

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