21 Aug


I think we are up to seventy. New episode is right here. I did not watch a single frame (or interlaced frame portion) of the Emmys this year. I don’t think I did last year either. After a while it’s just nice to find out who won after (or, on this coast, before) they air and not have to sit through hours of the awards actually being given out. Once again Antiques Roadshow was robbed of its rightful glory. I’ll be starting an online campaign to move it over to Best Dramatic Series for next year, so keep an eye out for that and add your futile e-signature to it if you agree with me.

I talked a little bit about Scribblenauts this week. I don’t know if I quite adequately explained what it is, so I’ve embedded the trailer below. Just watching it has given me some ideas of things to go and try out. It’s not particularly challenging yet, which is fine because it’s essentially a kids game, but it does make you think in new ways and kind of redefines the limits of what a game can do. Right now it almost seems to be more about the underlying concept than the actual execution, but I would imagine if there is a Scribblenauts 2 they’ll hammer out some of the physics issues and weird gameplay quirks and make something really amazing.

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