05 Oct

Reality Distortion Field

Feels like Doug and I argued about everything this week, when in reality it was really just about Day One (which I feel a little bad talking about before the final product comes out) and J.J.’ s new pilots for NBC and FOX.  Sometimes, I like to take a contrary position to Doug just so that we can have a conversation, after all it’s kind of a boring show if we just agree on everything. But I really do think that J.J. is the Steve Jobs of Television these days.

Jobs’ famed RDF is one of the great tech memes of the last 30 years and really just represents his ability to turn a crowd to his favor during a presentation. Check out any of his keynote addresses and you’ll see for yourself.  Doesn’t matter what short comings any Apple product has by the time he’s done talking you’re getting your credit card out. A big part of me feels that J.J. casts a similar spell, simply on his name and on the  success of Lost. Obviously, this is all my personal opinion. In the end I’ll never know just how much involvement he’s had in any one of his projects, but still I feel like the RDF is in full effect here. It’s a lot like his Star Trek movie. When you’re in it, you’re completely engaged. It’s fun and energetic, the cast is sexy and you want to be Chris Pine’s Captain Kirk, but the moment you start thinking about the story or the plot it all falls apart and you’re debating the convenience of Spock’s Ice Prison.

So in the end this is just a warning, don’t let Jobs and Abrams in the same room. Their combined ability to warp creation will erase us all.

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